No. Panggil | : |
Edisi | : |
Pengarang | : Haris Raharjo Putro |
Penerbit | : Surabaya, 2023 |
Dimensi | : ix, -, 30 |
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Sinopsis | : 1 Waru State junior high school has a plan to give an award for their exemplary student. This award is a form of appreciation from the school to the student for their hard work. However, what is happening now is that the schools have never given awards to exemplary students. Even though there is actually quite a lot of available data to be used as assessment criteria, the school still finds it difficult to process the available data. Thus, the school needs a decision support system that can provide recommendations for students that can be categorized as an exemplary student. This system will use the AHP method to determine the weight of the criteria and TOPSIS to determine the ranking of students. The method of making this system is taken from the results of an analysis of the current system and similar systems. This system is web-based using Next JS and planetscale as the application framework and database respectively. This system was tested by comparing the results of the application with manual calculations from excel using the same data.. The results obtained from the test show that the values published from the application and excel are the same. Then the validation was carried out to SMPN 1 Waru to find out whether the application was as desired. The conclusion of the validation states that this application is able to help 1 Waru State Junior High School to determine its exemplary student. |
Kata Kunci | : Exemplary student, Decision Support System, AHP, TOPSIS |
Link Fulltext | : |
Jenis Pustaka | : Skripsi |
Reg. Comp | : KS-TI-2402 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Lokasi | : KOLEKSI FULLTEXT ONLINE [ / Lt ] | ||||||||||||||||||||
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