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Jenis Koleksi / Prodi |
keterangan |
181. | BIOSFER: Jurnal Biologi dan Pendidikan Biologi | Biologi |
Biosfer, Jurnal Biologi dan Pendidikan Biologi an electronic international journal, provides a forum for publishing the original research articles, short communications from contributors, and the novel technology news related to biology and biology education research.
This journal encompasses original research articles, and short communications, including:
biology education
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182. | Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha | Biologi | As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, the scope of this journal is in learning and instruction area which provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific researches in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching of biology education in Ganesha University of Education(GUE). The journal welcomes original empirical investigation. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concerns the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction. Instruction, learning and teaching, curriculum development, learning environment, teacher education, educational, technology, and educational development at Biology Education.
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183. | Didaktika Biologi: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Biologi | Biologi | The focus of Didaktika Biologi is research result in the field of biological education and The scopes of Didaktika Biologi are as follows.
Motivation, perception and profiles of educators and learners in learning process and biological learning
Development and application of learning sources and media
Design of biological learning
Application of biological learning in schools (classroom action research and quasi experimental research)
Evaluation of biology education
Lesson study
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184. | BioWallacea: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi (Journal of Biological Research) | Biologi | Jurnal BioWallacea menerima naskah-naskah terbaik dari penulis yang bersifat asli hasil penelitian maupun telaah (review). Naskah ditulis dengan baik untuk setiap topik berkaitan dengan biologi yang berkembang saat ini serta bidang-bidang lain, termasuk:
Penelitian Ekologi
Biologi Laut
Ilmu terapan berkaitan dengan ilmu Biologi seperti Bioteknologi, Biokimia, dan Biologi Sel serta Molekuler.
Penelitian yang berkaitan isu lingkungan, termasuk Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL).
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185. | Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi | Biologi |
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Focus and Scope
Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi is a scientific journal of Biological science in wide spectrum. This journal publishes original reasearch and review articles. Bioeksperimen focuses on the study of:
1. Ecology and environmental sciences
2. Molecular biologi approach on plant, animal, and microbes studies
3. Bioinfoematic analysis
4. Study on omic analysis (metagenomic, proteomic, and metabolomic)
5. Basic and applied microbiology
6. Studies on plant and animal physiology
7. Animal behaviour
8. Plant and animal systematic
9. Genetic on plant, animal, and microbes
10. Studies on human physiology.
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186. | Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati (J-BEKH) | Biologi | This journal focuses on the fields of Agricultural, Animal Sciences, Bioconservation, Biopharmacology, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biological control, Behavioural ecology, Plant Sciences, Ecology, Fishery, Marine Biology, Fresh Water Biology, Microbiology, Immunobiology, Ecotoxicology, and Parasitology. This journal utilizes both the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration
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187. | Jurnal Indigenous Biologi (JIB) | Biologi | Jurnal Indigenous Biologi (JIB) adalah jurnal menggunakan double blind peer review dan akses terbuka yang menerbitkan penelitian penting dan penting dari semua bidang bidang biosciences seperti keanekaragaman hayati, biosistematik, ekologi, fisiologi, perilaku, genetika dan bioteknologi. Meliputi semua bentuk kehidupan, mulai dari mikroba, jamur, tumbuhan, hewan, dan manusia, termasuk virus.
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188. | Sciscitatio Journal for Biological Science | Biologi | Sciscitatio is dedicated to the publication of original research articles in basic biology and biotechnology fields including environmental biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, medical biotechnology and bioentrepreneurship.
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189. | Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi UMA (JIBIOMA) | Biologi | urnal Ilmiah Biologi UMA (JIBIOMA) focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to fields. This article is published in the internal and external academic community of the University of Medan Area (UMA) especially in the field of Biology. Biolink publishes scientific articles in the scope of biology that includes environmental biology, industrial biology and health biology. Published articles are the results of research articles, studies or critical and comprehensive scientific studies on important issues related to the field of biology.
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190. | BIO-EDU: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi | Biologi | BIO-EDU: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi is a medium of communication used by researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, and University student for submitting the result of studies and the prioritized result of research in the field of theoretical biology, applied biology, and biology learning include: development of instruments of evaluation biology, development of instructional media biology, the development of learning model of biology.
BIO-EDU: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi published comprehensive research articles and reviews by leading experts in the field. Selected articles, which have high scientific achievement, provide important new knowledge, and high benefits to society of biology and biology education.
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