No. Sumber Jenis Koleksi / Prodi keterangan
11.Economic Education and Entrepreneurship JournalBisnis dan EkonomikaEconomic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal is a forum for information and publication of research or ideas of researchers, lecturers, teachers, education practitioners, policymakers, education observers and students in education, economics education, accounting education, entrepreneurship, and research innovations in economic education such as media development, blended learning, and mobile learning. [CC-BY]
12.ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship)Bisnis dan EkonomikaALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship) welcomes research reports, conceptual works, empirical studies, theoretical application, and book reviews, particularly where it supports the development of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship studies by enabling a more critical approach of new ideas and concepts. [CC-BY]
13.Equator Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (EJME)Bisnis dan EkonomikaThe manuscript is the result of research and literature study in the fields of management, economics and entrepreneurship. The field of management includes research results in corporate governance, financial management, human resource management, marketing management, production and operations management, strategic management, information technology management, consumer behavior, service marketing, financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, tax planning, and behavior aspects in business. The field of economics includes empirical and theoretical research in the fields of economic theory, econometrics, industrial economics, international economics, monetary economics, development economics, community economics, urban and border economics, health economics, agricultural economics, human resource economics and Islamic economics. The field of entrepreneurship focuses on small business management, retail trade, MSM enterprises, and trade in goods and services. [CC-BY]
14.Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Entrepreneurship (e-Journal)Bisnis dan EkonomikaThe scope of this journal covering the field Business and Management. Topic related to these field can be Business and Management, entrepreneurship, finance and financial services, human resource management, marketing, industrial relations, insurance, intellectual property management, international business, logistics, management information systems, management and communication, management and strategy, marketing, production, operations and manufacturing management, public and non-profit management, quality control, taxation management, technological change, and other related topics. Research articles, conceptual paper, case study, and all of the aspects are acceptable. [CC-BY]
15.IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)Bisnis dan EkonomikaIJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development) aims to provide a forum for international researchers on applied Entrepreneurship And Business Development to publish the original articles. The scope of IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development) are Entrepreneurship And Business Development. Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians Current Issue Atom logo RSS2 logo RSS1 logo SINTA : H-Index 10 Download Certificate SINTA PARTNERSHIP : TEMPLATE ABOUT JOURNAL Focus and Scope Editorial Team Reviewer Peer Review Process Publication Frequency Open Access Policy Publication Ethics Author Fees SUBMISSION Online Submissions Author Guidelines Copyright Notice Privacy Statement LICENSE Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License VISITOR site stats View My Stats Free counters! [CC-BY]
16.Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)Bisnis dan Ekonomika Marketing Management, Finance Management, Strategic Management, Operation Management, Human Resource Management, E-business, Knowledge Management, Management Accounting, Management Control System, Management Information System, Innovation Management, Islamic Principal Management, Ethics and Sustainable, and Entrepreneurship. [CC-BY]
17.Review Management and Entrepreneurship Journal (RME)Bisnis dan Ekonomika The Review Management and Entrepreneurship Journal (RME) is an English bilingual peer review journal published twice a year (in April and October) by the Faculty of Management and Business, University Ciputra Surabaya. Since it was first published in 2017, the Review Management and Entrepreneurship Journal is aimed at facilitating a better understanding of research-based business management science among academics and researchers so that it can make a positive contribution and influence to the world of business management science and entrepreneurship. The Review Management and Entrepreneurship Journal (RME), accredited Rank 4 from RISTEKDIKTI, Decree No.148/M/KPT/2020 valid from Vol 2 No.1 (2018) to Vol 6 No.2 (2022) . The Review Management and Entrepreneurship Journal invites researchers, academics, and business and management practitioners to submit research-based articles on various themes, topics and aspects of management and business, including: Marketing Management, Financial Management and Banking, Human Resource Management, Operations Management Information System Management, and Entrepreneurship [CC-BY]
18.Journal of Economics Education and EntrepreneurshipBisnis dan EkonomikaEconomics learning models Media technology in economics learning Economics thinking processes Economics learning assessment The curriculum in economics learning Professional development of economics teachers Entrepreneurship Accounting [CC-BY]
19.Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship Bisnis dan EkonomikaManagement 2. Business, and 3. Behavioural Entrepreneurship [CC-BY]
20.Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journal Bisnis dan Ekonomika Organizational Behavior Leadership Human Resources Management Innovation Business Information System Operations Supply Chain Management Marketing Management Financial Management Accounting Strategic Management Entrepreneurship Contemporary Issues Green Business [CC-BY]