No. Sumber Jenis Koleksi / Prodi keterangan
221.Bioedusains: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains Biologi BIOEDUSAINS:Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains is published by research institute of mathematics, computer, nursering, education and economics (IPM2KPE) as the information and communication media for practitioners, researchers and academics who engaged, put interest and fully attention on biology education and science. The scope of Biology Education includes: 1) motivation, perception and profiles of educators and learners in learning process and biological learning, 2) development and application of learning sources and media, 3)design of biological learning, 4) application of biological learning in schools (classroom action research and quasi experimental research), 5) evaluation of biology education and 6) Lesson study The Scope of Science includes 1) botany, 2) zoology, 3) environmental, 4) biotechnology, 5) ethnobotany, 6) ecology, and 7) biochemistry [CC-BY]
222.METAMORFOSA Journal of Biological SciencesBiologiMETAMORFOSA: Journal of Biological Sciences is a scientific journal published by the Program Study of Biology Master, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The journal publishes original scientific work, research articles, review articles or literature review, and case studies. The review articles or literature review should yield novel testable implications, and empirical papers should be theoretically well-motivated. This journal encompasses original articles in the field of Fundamental and Applied Biology including botany, zoology, microbiology, environmental science and ecotourism, biotechnology and biomolecular, ecology and conservation, and also all biodiversity aspects of plants, animals and microbes at the level of gene, species, and ecosystem. [CC-BY]
223.Berita Biologi Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu HayatiBiologiBerita Biologi adalah jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel kemajuan penelitian di bidang biologi dan ilmu-ilmu terkait di Indonesia. Berita Biologi memuat karya tulis ilmiah asli berupa makalah hasil penelitian, komunikasi pendek dan tinjauan kembali yang belum pernah diterbitkan atau tidak sedang dikirim ke media lain. Masalah yang diliput, diharuskan menampilkan aspek atau informasi baru. [CC-BY]
224.Berkala Penelitian HayatiBiologiThis journal publishes original research, applied, review articles, and educational articles in all areas of biology. Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works that are not under review in other journals. The journal's scopes include, but are not limited to, the following topic areas: botany, zoology, ecology, microbiology, physiology, nanobiology, coastal biology, hydrobiology, neurobiology, genetics, developmental biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, biophysics and life science. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and downloads. [CC-BY]
225.Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah BiologiBiologi Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal that publishes original scientific work with the advancement of tropical bioscience in Asia. The integration between Islam and tropical bioscience explicitly represents the Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi as an academic publication for Islamic scientists, which could contribute to the advancement of tropical biology studies in the Islamic world. The journal invites research articles, short communication, critical and comprehensive scientific reviews concerning tropical biosciences in Asia, specifically in the following subjects: Islamic-integrated tropical bioscience Tropical biodiversity and conservation Biosystematics of tropical species Biochemistry and physiology of tropical species Ecological study and behavior of tropical species Tropical genetics, biotechnology, and bioinformatics [CC-BY]
226.Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi (Biosferjpb) BiologiTopics covered in the journal include modern biology education content, teaching strategies for the classroom and laboratory, field activities include ethnobiology, applications, professional development, social and ethical implications of biology and ways to incorporate such concerns into instructional programs, as well as reviews of books and classroom technology products. Papers about religion, culture, and local wisdom related to biology education rigorous are welcomed. [CC-BY]
227.Jurnal Riset Biologi dan Aplikasinya - Journal of Biological Research and Its ApplicationBiologiThis journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research articles in the biological aspects of tropical biodiversity, including ecology, animal and plant systematics, microbiology, zoology, botany, biotechnology, and ethnobiology, with a particular emphasis on the Indonesian context and global perspective [CC-BY]
228.JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)BiologiJPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) is focused on biology education research/review both in topics covered as well as disciplinary perspective: Biology teaching and learning materials at all education levels. Pure Research of Biology developed or studied to the sources, materials, or instructional media Biology (using the Research and Development paradigm/RD). Curriculum of Biology Education at all education levels. Quasi-experiment, Class Action Research (CAR), and Lesson Study in Biology teaching and learning. Other Qualitative Research of Biology Education. Biology Learning Evaluation/Assessment Teacher Professional Issues/Trends in Biology Education. Environmental education [CC-BY]
229.Biodiversitas : Journal of Biological DiversityBiologi Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity or Biodiversitas encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all biodiversity aspects of plants, animals and microbes at the level of gene, species, and ecosystem. [CC-BY]
230.JMEMME (Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Manufactures, Materials And Energy)Teknik Mesin dan Manufaktur Manufacturing : Manufacturing is a field of engineering that studies the process of making a product starting from the design process, production process, quality control process, metrology, Mechatronics, Industrial automation, and product optimization. Material Engineering: discusses the strength of materials, the process of forming a material, material processing, Material Innovation, ferrous and non-ferrous materials, Non-Metal Materials, Nano Technology, Destructive Test and NDT, Structural analysis such as mechanical vibration and kinematics, and Analysis of Damage Patterns . Energy Conversion: is discussing energy and its changes from one form to another, energy transfer in the form of heat and the temperature distribution that occurs, systems or mechanics that work based on the basic principles of thermodynamics used to produce work in the form of motion, fluid analysis in a static state (stationary) and dynamic (moving), the flow of gases around solid objects, and the flow of liquids around solid objects. [CC-BY]