No. Sumber Jenis Koleksi / Prodi keterangan
21.The Digital, a Continent?Database e_Book Open Access The Digital, a Continent?, the author argues in favor of a way of thinking about digital technology that draws on the new materialism. She uses photosynthesis and nuclear fission as examples of processes that are as artificial as they are natural to explain how digital technology can be viewed within the paradigm of a communicative physics in which poetics interacts with mathematical thinking. The author concludes that we can better understand ourselves and digital technology by developing notions of the multifaceted ways energy, form, and intellect interact in global architectonics. Theoretical consideration of digital technology Visual language and science New volume in the Applied Virtuality Book Series In The Digital, a Continent?, the author argues in favor of a way of thinking about digital technology that draws on the new materialism. She uses photosynthesis and nuclear fission as examples of processes that are as artificial as they are natural to explain how digital technology can be viewed within the paradigm of a communicative physics in which poetics interacts with mathematical thinking. The author concludes that we can better understand ourselves and digital technology by developing notions of the multifaceted ways energy, form, and intellect interact in global architectonics. Theoretical consideration of digital technology Visual language and science New volume in the Applied Virtuality Book Series
22.The Digital, a ContinentDatabase e_Book Open AccessIn The Digital, a Continent?, the author argues in favor of a way of thinking about digital technology that draws on the new materialism. She uses photosynthesis and nuclear fission as examples of processes that are as artificial as they are natural to explain how digital technology can be viewed within the paradigm of a communicative physics in which poetics interacts with mathematical thinking.
23.Dynamics in LogisticsDatabase e_Book Open AccessThis open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions.
24.Uncertainty in EngineeringDatabase e_Book Open AccessThis open access book provides an introduction to uncertainty quanti#64257cation in engineering. Starting with preliminaries on Bayesian statistics and Monte Carlo methods, followed by material on imprecise probabilities, it then focuses on reliability theory and simulation methods for complex systems. The #64257nal two chapters discuss various aspects of aerospace engineering, considering stochastic model updating from an imprecise Bayesian perspective, and uncertainty quanti#64257cation for aerospace #64258ight modelling. Written by experts in the subject, and based on lectures given at the Second Training School of the European Research and Training Network UTOPIAE (Uncertainty Treatment and Optimization in Aerospace Engineering), which took place at Durham University (United Kingdom) from 2 to 6 July 2018, the book offers an essential resource for students as well as scientists and practitioners.
25.SSRNeJournal Open AccessSSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.
26.Open Knowledge RepositoryOpen RepositoryThe World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Banks official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. The Open Access Policy and the OKR represent the third major development in the World Banks Open Development Agenda, joining these earlier initiatives: Open Data Initiative (launched in April 2010): a range of reforms enabling free access to thousands of development indicators, as well as a wealth of information on World Bank project and finance, and Access to Information Policy (launched in July 2010): a groundbreaking change in how the World Bank makes information available to the public.
27.bioRxivDatabioRxiv (pronounced bio archive) is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and educational institution. By posting preprints on bioRxiv, authors are able to make their findings immediately available to the scientific community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals. Articles are not peer reviewed, edited, or typeset before being posted online. However, all articles undergo a basic screening process for offensive and/or non-scientific content and for material that might pose a health risk or be considered dual use research of concern, and are checked for plagiarism. No endorsement of an articles methods, assumptions, conclusions, or scientific quality by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is implied by its appearance in bioRxiv. An article may be posted prior to, or concurrently with, submission to a journal but should not be posted if it has already been accepted for publication by a journal.
28.arXivDataarXiv is a curated research-sharing platform open to anyone. As a pioneer in digital open access, now hosts more than two million scholarly articles in eight subject areas, curated by our strong community of volunteer moderators. arXiv offers researchers a broad range of services: article submission, compilation, production, retrieval, search and discovery, web distribution for human readers, and API access for machines, together with content curation and preservation. Our emphasis on openness, collaboration, and scholarship provide the strong foundation on which arXiv thrives. arXiv currently serves the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. arXiv was founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 and is now maintained and operated by Cornell Tech (Cornell University.)
29.OSF (Open Science Framework)Open RepositoryOSF is a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration. Discover projects, data, materials, and collaborators on OSF that might be helpful to your own research.
30.Coursera Free CourseCourseCoursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities-from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs. Coursera Free Course Free courses are educational programs that are available online at no cost. These courses cover a wide range of subjects and are typically offered by universities, educational institutions, or online learning platforms. Free courses provide an opportunity for individuals to acquire new knowledge and skills without the need to pay for tuition or course materials. They are a great option for those who are looking to explore different topics, enhance their existing skills, or simply learn something new. Free courses often include video lectures, readings, quizzes, and assignments to facilitate learning and provide a comprehensive educational experience.