Open Educational Resources (OER) merupakan materi pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang dapat dipergunakan kembali, dibagikan dan dimodifikasi (reused, shared, modified) tanpa perlu mendapatkan izin dari pemiliknya. Materi OER memiliki lisensi terbuka dan public domain sehingga publik dapat mudah mengakses dan menggunakan karena pencipta telah melepas beberapa batasan hak cipta yang dimilikinya. OER UBAYA hadir sebagai sumber informasi alternatif yang free dan legal bagi sivitas akademika guna menunjang pembelajaran dan penelitian.
Prinsip yang terkadung dalam OER yaitu :
OER UBAYA terdiri dari jenis koleksi digital yang bisa diakses kapan pun dan dimanapun. Koleksi tersebut antara lain ejournal, ebook, data digital, video, image, course material, website dan sejenisnya.
1. Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga - Open Educational Resources Universitas Airlangga
2. Perpustakaan Universitas Terbuka - Sumber pembelajaran Terbuka-Universitas Terbuka (‘SUAKA’-UT) / Open Educational Resources (OER)
3. Rumah Belajar Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia - Indonesian OER-Hub
4. UNESCO - UNESCO Open Educational Resources
5. Nanyang Technological University Libraries - DR-NTU (Data)
6. National University of Singapore Libraries - NUS Library Guide – Open Educational Resources
7. Singapore Management University Libraries - SMU Research Guides - Open Educational Resources
8. Universiti Teknologi Mara Libraries - UiTM Library Guide – Open Educational Resources.
9. Wawasan Open University Libraries - OER repository of the Wawasan Open University
10. Universiti Malaysia Sabah Libraries - OER@UMS Repository
11. Universiti Sains Malaysia Libraries - OER@USM
12. HELP University Libraries - Help Learning Resource Center
13. Universiti Malaya Libraries - Universiti Malaya Library Guides - OER
14. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Australia - RMIT Open Educational Resources
15. Monash University - Monash University Open Educational Resources
16. Singapore University of Technology and Design - SUTD Open Educational Resources
17. James Cook University Australia - JCU Open Educational Resources
18. University of Adelaide - University of Adelaide Open Educational Resources
Creative Commons merupakan organisasi nirlaba yang berupaya untuk menciptakan sebuah kumpulan dari pengerahuan yang disebut “The Commons” yang dapat dimiliki oleh semua orang. Materi OER yang berlisensi terbuka umumnya berlisensi Creative Commons.
“Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.”
Creative Commons memiliki 6 jenis lisensi yang dapat dipilih oleh pencipta. Berikut link akses untuk mempelajari jenis lisensi creative commons
Creative Commons
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Art and Music Since 1945 | Situs web terbuka ini digunakan untuk kursus Seni dan Musik sejak 1945 yang ditawarkan di The Ohio State University. Website berisi kumpulan biografi seniman dan musisi, contoh silabus, dan tugas. Buku teks pendampingnya dimaksudkan untuk menjadi Panduan Cepat dan Kotor untuk Seni, Musik, dan Budaya, yang diposting di bawah ini. (CC BY) |
2. | Chrome Music Lab | Eksplorasi Aural dan Visual. Membuat belajar musik lebih mudah diakses melalui eksperimen langsung yang menyenangkan. (Resource) retrived from Chrome Music Lab, an open source Google project. |
3. | The Open Goldberg Variations | The Open Goldberg Variations (Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 988), dimainkan oleh Kimiko Ishizaka pada piano Bosendorfer 290 Imperial, gratis untuk diunduh dan dibagikan (CC0) |
4. | Free Sound | Kumpulan klip audio yang dapat dicari yang diunggah oleh pengguna.(Various CC licences) |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Ubaya Global Academy (UGA) | UGA mengajak Para Expert untuk berkontribusi dalam membagikan materi praktis terkini, memberikan pembelajaran berkualitas global. Setiap kursus dapat dijamin kualitasnya, dievaluasi dengan cermat dan peserta akan menerima sertifikat keberhasilan apabila telah menyelesaikan course yang diikuti. |
2. | Archives library | Selamat datang di perpustakaan yang berisi Sumber Daya Pendidikan Terbuka dan kuliah di universitas. Perpustakaan ini berisi ratusan kursus gratis, video ceramah, dan materi tambahan dari universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok. Banyak dari ceramah ini tersedia untuk diunduh. |
3. | Coursera Free Course | Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities-from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs. Coursera Free Course Free courses are educational programs that are available online at no cost. These courses cover a wide range of subjects and are typically offered by universities, educational institutions, or online learning platforms. Free courses provide an opportunity for individuals to acquire new knowledge and skills without the need to pay for tuition or course materials. They are a great option for those who are looking to explore different topics, enhance their existing skills, or simply learn something new. Free courses often include video lectures, readings, quizzes, and assignments to facilitate learning and provide a comprehensive educational experience. |
4. | Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) | Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale. Millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn for a variety of reasons, including: career development, changing careers, college preparations, supplemental learning, lifelong learning, corporate eLearning training, and more. |
5. | MIT OpenCourseWare | MIT OpenCourseWare is an online publication of materials from over 2,500 MIT courses, freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. |
6. | Kaggle Course | We pare down complex topics to their key practical components, so you gain usable skills in a few hours (instead of weeks or months). The courses are provided at no cost to you, and you can now earn certificates. |
7. | OpenLearn - The Open University | Menyediakan sumber pendidikan online yang dapat digunakan secara legal dan terbuka. (CC BY) |
8. | Saylor Academy | Saylor Academiy merupakan kursus online gratis di tingkat perguruan tinggi dan profesional. (CC BY) |
9. | SPADA : Sistem Pembelajaran Daring Indonesia | Kemendikbud membuat akses kuliah sakin mudah dan menembus jarak lokasi. Melalui program Pembelajaran Daring Indonesia Terbuka dan Terpadu (PDITT), mahasiswa Universitas Cendrawasih Papua bisa menempuh kuliah di Universitas Indonesia (UI) dari kamar kos mereka. Program PPDIT yang berbasis pemanfaatan IT ini, diresmikan Wapres Boediono pada Kamis (9/10/2014) di Jakarta. Pada kesempatan yang sama, Boediono juga meresmikan peluncuran program Data Pokok Pendidikan (Dapodik). Istilah daring (dalam jaringan) dipakai untuk mengganti istilah online. Boediono menyambut baik program kuliah daring itu. Dengan program ini, tidak ada lagi batas ruang dan waktu bagi seseorang mengikuti perkuliahan, katanya. Pemerataan akses kuakitas perkuliahan juga bisa ditingatkan melalui program ini. Peningkatan mutu kualitas kuliah ini terjadi karena kampus-kampus top bersedia membuka akses perkukiahannya secara online. Sehingga mahasiswa yang berada di wilayah terpencil, dapat mengikuti perkukiahan yang bermutu juga. Kehadiran IT harus jadi tulang punggung pengembangan layanan pendidikan, kata guru besar UGM itu. Sementara ini baru ada enam kampus yang tergabung sebagai kampus penyedia layanan kuliah dalam program kuliah daring ini. Yaitu UI, ITB, ITS, UGM, Universitas Bina Nusantara, dan Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komouter (STMIK) Amikom Jogjakarta. Pendaftaran kuliah daring dilakukan secara online di Total sementara mata kuliah yang bisa diambil dalam program ini masih 30 mata kuliah, tersebar merata di semua kampus masing-masing lima mata kuliah. Jumlah mahasiswa yang sudah mendaftar mengikuti program kuliah daring ini sekitar berbeda-beda setiap kampus. Misalnya di UI ada 400 mahasiswa dan di ITS berjumlah 700 orang terbanyak dari Papua dan Papua Barat. Data terkini ada 53 kampus yang memanfaatkan kuliah daring ini. Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi Kemendikbud Djoko Santoso menuturkan, lowongan mengikuti perkuliahan daring ini dihitung per mata kuliah. Kampus asal mahasiswa, akan mengumumkan mata kuliah yang bisa ditempuh dengan program daring. Contohnya kampus Universitas Cendrawasih mengumunkan bahwa mata kuliah A, B, atau C bisa diikuti secara daring. Maka mahasiswa yang berminat langsung mendaftar. Kemudian secara mandiri atau berkelompok bersama-sama dengan mahasiswa lain yang mengikuti kuliah daring. Mahasiswa akan mendapatkan modul kuliah dan perkuliahan secara tatap muka melalui layanan streaming. |
10. | Open Course Library (OCL) | Open Course Library (OCL) menyediakan materi kursus yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran. (CC-BY) |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | | adalah situs informasi dan analisis independen, yang menyediakan konten asli tentang berbagai topik yang mempengaruhi Eropa dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Selain menerbitkan artikel harian, ini juga merupakan rumah bagi seri buletin Ringkas dan podcast Unpacked, yang membantu audiensnya menentukan tidak hanya apa yang sedang terjadi, namun juga mengapa hal tersebut relevan dan mengelola sejumlah saluran media sosial untuk mendorong diskusi mengenai isu-isu yang diliputnya. |
2. | The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) | The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) promotes the awareness and adoption of open educational policies, practices, and resources. We believe that these practices will promote equitable access to education, particularly for underserved students while supporting academic freedom and faculty choice of openly licensed curriculum materials. Our membership includes hundreds of colleges across North America. CCCOER is part of Open Education Global. |
3. | bioRxiv | bioRxiv (pronounced bio archive) is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and educational institution. By posting preprints on bioRxiv, authors are able to make their findings immediately available to the scientific community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals. Articles are not peer reviewed, edited, or typeset before being posted online. However, all articles undergo a basic screening process for offensive and/or non-scientific content and for material that might pose a health risk or be considered dual use research of concern, and are checked for plagiarism. No endorsement of an articles methods, assumptions, conclusions, or scientific quality by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is implied by its appearance in bioRxiv. An article may be posted prior to, or concurrently with, submission to a journal but should not be posted if it has already been accepted for publication by a journal. |
4. | arXiv | arXiv is a curated research-sharing platform open to anyone. As a pioneer in digital open access, now hosts more than two million scholarly articles in eight subject areas, curated by our strong community of volunteer moderators. arXiv offers researchers a broad range of services: article submission, compilation, production, retrieval, search and discovery, web distribution for human readers, and API access for machines, together with content curation and preservation. Our emphasis on openness, collaboration, and scholarship provide the strong foundation on which arXiv thrives. arXiv currently serves the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. arXiv was founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 and is now maintained and operated by Cornell Tech (Cornell University.) |
5. | Kaggle | Level up with the largest AI ML community Join over 15M+ machine learners to share, stress test, and stay up-to-date on all the latest ML techniques and technologies. Discover a huge repository of community-published models, data code for your next project. |
6. | Kaggle Datasets | Kaggle supports a variety of dataset publication formats, but we strongly encourage dataset publishers to share their data in an accessible, non-proprietary format if possible. Not only are open, accessible data formats better supported on the platform, they are also easier to work with for more people regardless of their tools. |
7. | Mendeley Data | Mendeley Data is a free and secure cloud-based communal repository where you can store your data, ensuring it is easy to share, access and cite, wherever you are. |
8. | Smithsonian - Figshare | Menyediakan dataset yang dapat diakses secara legal dan terbuka untuk pembelajaran dan penelitian. (CC BY) |
9. | Rumah Jurnal Keilmuan | RUJUKAN (Rumah Jurnal Keilmuan Indonesia) merupakan layanan pengelolaan aplikasi penerbitan jurnal secara elektronik (e-journal) diselenggarakan atas kerjasama LIPI dan RISTEKDIKTI untuk memfasilitasi Pengelola jurnal yang memerlukan infrastruktur server dan aplikasi pengelolaan penerbitan jurnal. |
10. | Layanan Sains LIPI (meminjam HPC, layanan lab riset, dll) | Merupakan perwujudan peran Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia sebagai penyedia infrastruktur penelitian, pengembangan, dan pengkajian nasional baik sumber daya manusia maupun perangkat lunak dan keras serta sebagai hub kolaborasi aktivitas kreatif berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang terbuka bagi akademisi, industri, UMKM, SDM IPTEK, dan masyarakat lainnya |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | The Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) | Pencarian gabungan waktu nyata untuk konten OER |
2. | Ebook - Penerbit ADPII | Penerbit ADPII adalah lembaga penerbitan yang didirikan oleh Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII), yang bertujuan untuk membangun budaya literasi bagi pengembangan bidang desain di Indonesia dalam kontribusinya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Buku yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit ADPII bersifat cuma cuma. Penerbit ADPII adalah lembaga penerbitan yang didirikan oleh Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII), yang bertujuan untuk membangun budaya literasi bagi pengembangan bidang desain di Indonesia dalam kontribusinya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Buku yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit ADPII bersifat cuma cuma. Penerbit ADPII adalah lembaga penerbitan yang didirikan oleh Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII), yang bertujuan untuk membangun budaya literasi bagi pengembangan bidang desain di Indonesia dalam kontribusinya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Buku yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit ADPII bersifat cuma cuma. |
3. | Open Access eBooks | Open Access eBooks is an international publisher of eBooks. Open Access eBooks covers different disciplines of science, technology and medicine. Each eBook contains around 6 or 7 book chapters providing the latest information to the readers. Understanding the concept of Open Access and its importance in the present era, Open Access eBooks follows the principles of Open Access. It states that eBooks published in Open Access eBooks are accessed by anyone across the world. Readers can read, share, download, store, and distribute the copies of eBooks/chapters published with us without any permission/payment. Open Access eBooks provides a common platform for publishing the latest scientific work and acquiring knowledge on latest scientific happenings in different areas of science, technology and medicine. [CC-BY-NC-ND] |
4. | ANU (Australian National University) Press | ANU Press is the first and largest open-access university press in the world. Our authors publish peer-reviewed research on a broad range of topics including Asia and Pacific studies, Australian politics, humanities, arts, Indigenous studies and science. Launched in 2004, ANU Press prides itself on its innovation in the area of open-access scholarship. To date, ANU Press has published over 1,000 publications, all of which are freely available on this website. Year on year, ANU Press titles reach a growing audience of academics, students and researchers. In 2020, ANU Press titles surpassed 5 million downloads, a new record for the Press. Situated within The Australian National University, ANU Press collaborates with expert editorial boards to produce to high-quality publications in accessible timeframes. ANU Press welcomes submissions from all academics authors are not required to be affiliated with The Australian National University to be published by ANU Press. Our open-access publishing practices ensure our publications are available to a diverse global audience, which includes those who are otherwise unable to access quality academia due to a lack of resources. ANU Press is recognised by the Department of Industry as a commercial publisher, enabling ANU Press authors to gain full recognition under the Higher Education Research Data Collection scheme. [CC-BY] |
5. | InfoBooks | Explore our carefully curated selection of free books, from timeless classics to Creative Commons licensed educational resources, prepared by a global community of experts. Perfect for enriching your mind and spirit. [CC-BY] |
6. | Urban Planning Against Poverty | This open access book revisits the theoretical foundations of urban planning and the application of these concepts and methods in the context of Southern countries by examining several case studies from different regions |
7. | 2050 China | This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.n, explores and summarizes the development goal and the basic logic of the socialist modernization of China, and further shows the general basis of the primary stage of socialism. |
8. | Psychosocial Experiences of African Migrants in Six European Countries | This open access book provides an empirical account of the psychological and social experiences of 3500 African migrants to 6 European countries: Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, France, and the UK. It discusses the psychosocial motivations for migration from Africa, who migrates where, and stressful pre- and post-migration factors affecting the social and psychological wellbeing of migrants. The book also includes a detailed exploration of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) among African migrants. Addressing and offering solutions to pre- and post-migration problems in Africa and Europe as well as the problems associated with the perilous journeys involved, this unique study is a must-read for anyone interested in cross-cultural psychology and social science, and particularly in migration and mental health. |
9. | Development Discourse and Global History | |
10. | Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory to Globalized Nation States | Migration History, general Cities, Countries, Regions Demography |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Arti | Artificial Intelligence untuk review jurnal, parafrase dan detektor AI |
2. | Semantic Scholar | Alat penelusuran bebas akses yang didukung AI untuk literatur ilmiah |
3. | SSRN | SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks. |
4. | Semantic Scholar | Semantic Scholar provides free, AI-driven search and discovery tools, and open resources for the global research community. We index over 200 million academic papers sourced from publisher partnerships, data providers, and web crawls. |
5. | BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine | BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 300 million documents from more than 10,000 content providers. You can access the full texts of about 60 of the indexed documents for free (Open Access). BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. |
6. | ERIC - Education Resources Information Center | ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. |
7. | WILEY Open Access | Wiley Open Access journals are supported by a network of authoritative journals and societies as well as internationally renowned editorial board members. All research articles published in Wiley Open Access journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share. Wiley Open Access publishes a number of online journals across biological, chemical and health sciences. |
8. | ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) : Digital theses | ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) merupakan database karya ilmiah (tesis dan disertasi) online mahasiswa Oxford University yang bisa diakses secara legal dan terbuka. (CC BY) |
9. | OASIS | Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) merupakan alat pencarian khusus untuk sumber informasi open access |
10. | Garba Rujukan Digital: Garuda | Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) adalah platform untuk penemuan publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Smithsonian Open Access | Menyediakan gambar, foto dan desain yang dapat diakses secara legal dan terbuka. |
2. | Pixabay | Website yang menyediakan akses legal dan gratis untuk koleksi foto, ilustrasi, musik dan video yang tersedia. |
3. | Old Book Illustrations | Website yang menyediakan gambar ilustrasi zaman dahulu yang bisa diakses secara legal dan gratis. Selain itu, tersedia juga artikel atau sinopsis gambar ilustrasi. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) |
4. | Unsplash | Portal yang menyediakan gambar dan foto yang bisa diakses secara terbuka dan bebas. Foto dan gambar tersedia dalam beberapa subjek keilmuan yang bisa didownload secara legal dan gratis. |
5. | Creative Commons | Images, Attribution will depend on source. |
6. | Canva | Graphic Design platform |
7. | Oasis | Buku teks, Interaktif, dan Berbagai bahan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kursus Anda |
8. | AutoDraw | Create images/Drawings Gambar dibuat dengan AutoDraw, proyek Google sumber terbuka. (CC-BY) |
9. | Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon, CAPL | sumber gambar otentik untuk pembelajaran bahasa. Semua gambar yang ditemukan di situs ini dilisensikan di bawah Lisensi Creative Commons 3.0 US. |
10. | Pexels | Kumpulan foto stok gratis tanpa batasan hak cipta (CC0) |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | OER Commons | OER Commons adalah perpustakaan digital publik yang berisi sumber daya pendidikan terbuka. Jelajahi, buat, dan berkolaborasi dengan pendidik di seluruh dunia untuk meningkatkan kurikulum. |
2. | Teaching Commons | Teaching Commons menampilkan sumber daya pendidikan terbuka berkualitas tinggi dari perguruan tinggi dan universitas terkemuka dan menyediakannya bagi para pendidik dan siswa di seluruh dunia. Dikurasi oleh pustakawan dan institusinya dan diselenggarakan oleh bepress, Teaching Commons mencakup buku teks akses terbuka, materi kursus, rencana pembelajaran, multimedia, ceramah, materi K-12, dan banyak lagi. Pendidik dan peneliti dapat menggunakan Teaching Commons untuk menemukan materi pengajaran, mengadopsi konten untuk kursus mereka, atau membuat dan membagikan karya mereka sendiri. Teaching Commons dibangun di atas platform Digital Commons, yang menawarkan kepada penulis seperangkat alat canggih antara lain termasuk dukungan multimedia, pembuatan versi, komentar tersemat, dan geo-lokasi untuk mendukung beragam kebutuhan penerbitan di era pertumbuhan ini. bidang. |
3. | open Education Global | Open Education Global adalah organisasi nirlaba global berbasis anggota yang mendukung pengembangan dan penggunaan pendidikan terbuka di seluruh dunia untuk: memperluas akses terhadap pendidikan yang memungkinkan setiap orang di bumi mengakses dan berkontribusi meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan menjadikan pendidikan lebih terjangkau meningkatkan keberhasilan siswa memupuk kolaborasi dan berbagi melalui kreasi bersama materi pendidikan dan kebebasan untuk menggunakan, menyesuaikan, meningkatkan, dan mendistribusikannya kembali menghasilkan inovasi pedagogi menggunakan budaya Internet yang kolaboratif dan interaktif membina kemitraan internasional dan budaya partisipatif global dalam belajar, berkreasi, berbagi, dan bekerja sama |
4. | OpenStax | OpenStax adalah penerbit sumber daya pendidikan terbuka (OER) terbesar di dunia dan penyedia teknologi pembelajaran interaktif dan penelitian pendidikan untuk sekolah menengah dan perguruan tinggi. Kami adalah inisiatif nirlaba dari Rice University. |
5. | Elicit | Lebih dari 2 juta peneliti telah menggunakan Elicit. Peneliti biasanya menggunakan Elicit untuk: Mempercepat tinjauan literatur Temukan makalah yang tidak dapat mereka temukan di tempat lain Otomatiskan tinjauan sistematis dan meta-analisis Pelajari tentang domain baru Elicit cenderung bekerja paling baik untuk domain empiris yang melibatkan eksperimen dan hasil nyata. Jenis penelitian ini umum terjadi dalam biomedis dan pembelajaran mesin. |
6. | HippoCampus | situs web akademik inti gratis yang menyajikan konten multimedia yang kaya video, animasi, dan simulasitentang mata pelajaran pendidikan umum. Sebagai sumber terbuka untuk pembelajaran yang dipersonalisasi, dirancang untuk meningkatkan akses terhadap pendidikan berkualitas bagi semua orang, dan didukung oleh The NROC Project (NROC), sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang berkolaborasi dengan para pemimpin pendidikan menengah, pasca sekolah menengah, dan orang dewasa untuk meningkatkan kualitas siswa. kesiapan, ketekunan, dan keberhasilan. |
7. | California Educators Together | California Educators Together adalah komunitas praktik yang dirancang untuk memberikan ruang bersama bagi para pendidik, administrator, spesialis, dan pemimpin program negara bagian untuk berkomunikasi, berbagi strategi, dan mengakses sumber daya. |
8. | Citizendium | Citizendium adalah wiki untuk memberikan pengetahuan gratis dimana kontributor menggunakan nama asli mereka. Kami menganggap informasi sebagai barang publik dan menyambut siapa pun yang ingin berbagi pengetahuan tentang topik apa pun. Komunitas online kami bangga karena ramah dan mendukung. |
9. | Open Knowledge Repository | The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Banks official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. The Open Access Policy and the OKR represent the third major development in the World Banks Open Development Agenda, joining these earlier initiatives: Open Data Initiative (launched in April 2010): a range of reforms enabling free access to thousands of development indicators, as well as a wealth of information on World Bank project and finance, and Access to Information Policy (launched in July 2010): a groundbreaking change in how the World Bank makes information available to the public. |
10. | OSF (Open Science Framework) | OSF is a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration. Discover projects, data, materials, and collaborators on OSF that might be helpful to your own research. |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Public Speaking with an Interpreter | Panduan video dan transkrip tentang berbicara di depan umum dengan seorang penerjemah yang dibuat oleh Pendeta Clement Wen, kandidat PhD dan Tutor di Universitas Edinburgh di bidang Teologi Sistematika. Menggambar terutama dari khotbah-khotbah yang diberikan oleh Clement di mana bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Inggris dan Cina, banyak panduan yang dapat dialihkan ke banyak kesempatan, situasi, dan keterlibatan berbicara di depan umum dwibahasa.(CC BY) |
2. | Piano video playlists by Dr. Janci Bronson | Dr. Janci Bronson memperoleh gelar Ph.D. dalam Pendidikan Musik, penekanan dalam Pedagogi Piano dari Universitas Oklahoma. Dia memegang gelar Master of Music dalam Piano Performance and Pedagogy dari University of Oklahoma dan Bachelor of Music, summa cum laude, dalam Piano Performance dari Kansas State University (CC BY) |
3. | Acoustics | Satu set empat video tentang akustik. (CC BY) |
4. | Near Future Teaching | Kumpulan video yang menampilkan siswa dan staf berbicara tentang perubahan apa yang mereka prediksi, atau ingin lihat, dalam pengajaran selama beberapa dekade mendatang, seiring dengan perubahan teknologi, tren sosial, pola mobilitas, metode baru, dan media baru. (CC BY) |
5. | Exposure: Shutter | Tutorial mendetail tentang bagaimana Rana berfungsi dan berkontribusi pada eksposur fotografi. Dibuat dengan dukungan dari Oregon Open Education Resources. (CC BY) |
6. | TED Talks | TED Talks (CC0) |
7. | Pexels Videos | Kumpulan video stok gratis tanpa batasan hak cipta. (CC0) |
8. | BLOSSOMS Video Library | Perpustakaan Video BLOSSOM berisi lebih dari 100 pelajaran matematika dan sains, semuanya tersedia gratis untuk guru sebagai video streaming dan unduhan Internet dan sebagai DVD dan kaset video.(CC BY-NC-SA) |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Journal of Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Studies | Journal of Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Studies is a scientific publication that publishes scientific articles of research, study and development in the field of economic education and entrepreneurship education. This scientific journal contains research articles related to the study of education, economics, and entrepreneurship. The scope of the field of study is as follows: - Economics Education - Entrepreneurship Education - Development of learning materials, teaching models, and learning media - Economics learning strategies [CC-BY] |
2. | nternational Journal of Global Accounting, Management, Education, and Entrepreneurship (IJGAME2) | IJGAME2 (International Journal of Global Accounting, Management, Education, and Entrepreneurship) aims to provide a forum for international researchers on applied Entrepreneurship And Business Development to publish the original articles. The scope of IJGAME2 (International Journal of Global Accounting, Management, Education, and Entrepreneurship) [CC-BY] |
3. | Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology (JAEF) | Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology (JAEF) is a media communication and forum for researchers, academics, Finance Accounting practitioners within the fields of Accounting, Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Business. JAEF is published by Accounting Study Program, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. Coverage of JAEF includes, but is not limited to issues surrounding: Financial Accounting and Reporting, Capital Market. Management Accounting, Behavioral issues in Accounting. Accounting and Information System, Auditing. Taxation, Accounting Education, Corporate Governance, Professional Ethics. Social and environmental accounting. Entrepreneurship (intrapreneurship, social entrepreneurship, accounting or finance issues in start-up, family business, etc). Financial Technology (digital banking, online/digital insurance, peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, etc.) [CC-BY] |
4. | nternational Journal of Digital Entrepreneurship and Business (IDEB) | Digital Marketing Entrepreneurship and Innovation Digital Business Green Marketing Government Policy on Entrepreneurship Digital Entrepreneurship Small Business Accounting Organizational Efficiency Entrepreneurship in Developing and Transitional Countries Sustainable Finance International Marketing Social Entrepreneurship Social Marketing Strategic Marketing Customer Behavior Leadership for Entrepreneurs Sustainable Development Business Corporate Strategies Accounting, Tax, Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs Accounting Information Systems Sustainable Accounting [CC-BY] |
5. | Business, Economics, and Entrepreneurship (BEE) | BEE (Bisnis, Ekonomi, dan Kewirausahaan) (nomor registrasi / ISSN: 2656-9469) jurnal peer-review diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Desember yang diselenggarakan oleh program studi Kewirausahaan Institut Shanti Bhuana. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel konseptual dan empiris dalam kewirausahaan, studi bisnis, dan pengembangan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). BEE Journal terbuka untuk para peneliti dan akademisi yang tertarik untuk menulis artikel di bidang studi kewirausahaan dan bisnis untuk diterbitkan. [CC-BY] |
6. | Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal | Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal is a forum for information and publication of research or ideas of researchers, lecturers, teachers, education practitioners, policymakers, education observers and students in education, economics education, accounting education, entrepreneurship, and research innovations in economic education such as media development, blended learning, and mobile learning. [CC-BY] |
7. | ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship) | ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship) welcomes research reports, conceptual works, empirical studies, theoretical application, and book reviews, particularly where it supports the development of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship studies by enabling a more critical approach of new ideas and concepts. [CC-BY] |
8. | Equator Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (EJME) | The manuscript is the result of research and literature study in the fields of management, economics and entrepreneurship. The field of management includes research results in corporate governance, financial management, human resource management, marketing management, production and operations management, strategic management, information technology management, consumer behavior, service marketing, financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, tax planning, and behavior aspects in business. The field of economics includes empirical and theoretical research in the fields of economic theory, econometrics, industrial economics, international economics, monetary economics, development economics, community economics, urban and border economics, health economics, agricultural economics, human resource economics and Islamic economics. The field of entrepreneurship focuses on small business management, retail trade, MSM enterprises, and trade in goods and services. [CC-BY] |
9. | Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Entrepreneurship (e-Journal) | The scope of this journal covering the field Business and Management. Topic related to these field can be Business and Management, entrepreneurship, finance and financial services, human resource management, marketing, industrial relations, insurance, intellectual property management, international business, logistics, management information systems, management and communication, management and strategy, marketing, production, operations and manufacturing management, public and non-profit management, quality control, taxation management, technological change, and other related topics. Research articles, conceptual paper, case study, and all of the aspects are acceptable. [CC-BY] |
10. | IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) | IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development) aims to provide a forum for international researchers on applied Entrepreneurship And Business Development to publish the original articles. The scope of IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development) are Entrepreneurship And Business Development. Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians Current Issue Atom logo RSS2 logo RSS1 logo SINTA : H-Index 10 Download Certificate SINTA PARTNERSHIP : TEMPLATE ABOUT JOURNAL Focus and Scope Editorial Team Reviewer Peer Review Process Publication Frequency Open Access Policy Publication Ethics Author Fees SUBMISSION Online Submissions Author Guidelines Copyright Notice Privacy Statement LICENSE Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License VISITOR site stats View My Stats Free counters! [CC-BY] |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) | Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian tentang administrasi publik. Namun tidak terbatas pula kepada: Kebijakan Publik Manajemen Publik Layanan Publik Birokrasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pemerintah Daerah Politik Tata Kelola Pemerintah [CC-BY] |
2. | Jurnal Administrasi Nusantara (JAN) | The Journal invites original research articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The whole spectrum of research in administration education are welcome, which includes, but is not limited to the following topics: State Administration Public Administration Office Administration [CC-BY] |
3. | JURNAL SERUNAI ADMINISTRASI PENDIDIKAN (JSAP) | Serunai : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan ini bertujuan untuk menjembatani hasil penelitian di bidang kependidikan yang meliputi: Pendidikan Bimbingan dan Konseling Administrasi Pendidikan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Pendidikan Matematika Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dan program Pendidikan lainnya [CC-BY] |
4. | Responsive: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Administrasi, Sosial, Humaniora Dan Kebijakan Publik | Fokus dan ruang lingkup meliputi pemikiran dan penelitian administrasi, ekonomi, sosial, humaniora dan kebijakan publik [CC-BY] |
5. | Jurnal Busnines Preneur | Pemasaran Keuangan Operasi Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia Kewirausahaan Kreatifitas dan Inovasi Bisnis Pemodelan Bisnis Bisnis Syariah Etika dan Negosiasi Bisnis. [CC-BY] |
6. | PREDIKSI : Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan | Bureaucracy and Administration Development Decentralization and Regional Autonomy Economic and Public Policy Public Management and Governance Any specifics issues of public policy and management. |
7. | JIAPI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Pemerintahan Indonesia | The Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Pemerintahan Indonesia (The JIAPI) is a media for publishing articles and scientific works that have been reviewed. JIAPI is open to accept manuscripts on any aspects related to Public Administration, Government, Business Administration, and Taxation. JIAPI accepts scholarly empirical (qualitative or quantitative) research articles, literature reviews, theoretical or methodological contributions, meta-analyses, comparative or historical studies that meet the standards established for publication in the journal. All submitted papers are reviewed before being accepted for publication. The acceptance decision is made based upon an independent review process. The JIAPI is an open access journal that is published by Department of Government Science, Faculty of Law, Social and Political Science, Universitas Terbuka. [CC-BY] |
8. | Restorica: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Negara dan Ilmu Komunikasi | Restorica is a scientific journal published twice a year (in April and October) by the Institute for research and community dedication of the University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of administrations and communication. Journal Restorica,particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of state administration and communication as follows: 1. Bureaucracy 2. Regional decentralization and autonomy 3. Public policy 4. Management and public governance 5. Inter-agency communication 6. Intercultural Communication 7.Any specifics issues of public and communication [CC-BY] |
9. | Jurnal Reformasi Administrasi : Jurnal Ilmiah untuk Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani | The Journal invites original articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference, which includes, but is not limited to: 1. Tax 2. Public Policy 3. Governance and to analys a range of contemporary political and governing processes.. [CC-BY] |
10. | Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik | The scope of Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik encompasses, but is not limited to: a. Social science b. Public policy c. Public Service d. Policy Formulation e. Policy Analysis and Evaluation f. Bureaucracy and Administrative Development g. Public Management and Governance [CC-BY] |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Farmakope Indonesia Edisi VI | [CC-BY-SA] |
2. | Journal of Islamic Pharmacy | Established in 2015 as Jurnal Farmasains (p-ISSN: 2460-5182) by Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In 2016 transformed into online international Journal of Islamic Pharmacy (J.Islamic Pharm.). J. Islamic Pharm. publishes research papers, short communications, reviews and notes dealing with entire aspects of Pharmaceutical sciences, including: Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, and Natural Product Chemistry. [CC-BY] |
3. | Jurnal Ilmiah Pharmacy | Jurnal Ilmiah Pharmacy berisikan tulisan ilmiah berupa jurnal hasil penelitian di bidang ilmu Farmasi. Jurnal Ilmiah Pharmacy memiliki nomer ISSN :A 2406-8071A dan e ISSN :A 2615-8566. [CC-BY-SA] |
4. | JOPS (Journal Of Pharmacy and Science) | Journal Of Pharmacy Science ISSN 2615-1006 (online), ISSN 2622-9919 (print) published by D3 Analis Farmasi dan Makanan, Universitas Abdurrab. The Subject of this journal are : Pharmacy, Food Chemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Food Analysis. [CC-BY-NC-SA] |
5. | Cendekia Journal of Pharmacy | Cendekia Journal of Pharmacy published by the Program Studi Farmasi STIKES Cendekia Utama Kudus with registered number ISSN 2599-2163 (Print) and for ISSN (Online) is 2599-2155.The journal includes various fields of pharmaceuticals sciences such as: Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics, Community and Clinical Pharmacy. [CC-BY] |
6. | Health Sciences and Pharmacy Journal | Health Sciences and Pharmacy is journal which is published by Institute of Health Science Surya Global Yogyakarta. This journal is focus on health sciences and pharmacy. [CC-BY-SA] |
7. | Journal Of Tropical Pharmacy And Chemistry | ThIS journal had been established in 2010, and online publication was begun in 2014. Since 2018, the journal has been published in English by Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman (UNMUL), Samarinda, Indonesia. This journal has some scopes such as Pharmaceutics Biopharmaceutic, Novel Targeted Drug Deliver, Nanotechnology Nanomedicine |
8. | Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research | Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research (PCPR) is an international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal that focus on pharmacology and clinical pharmacy. Scope of the journal includes: Experimental Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, and Molecular Pharmacology. [CC-BY-SA] |
9. | Borneo Journal of Pharmacy | Borneo Journal of Pharmacy (Borneo J Pharm, ISSN: 2621-4814 (online)) is an international scientific platinum open access journal managed by the Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Health Science Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya in collaboration with the Central Board of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia). Borneo Journal of Pharmacy publishes various scientific articles covering Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, in the field but not limited to Pharmacology Toxicology, including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapy, and toxicology Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry. [CC-BY-SA] |
10. | Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy | Since 2012, the journal has been published in English by Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta Indonesia in collaboration with IAI (Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia or Indonesian Pharmacist Association) and only receives manuscripts in English. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy is Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) DIKTI No. 30/E/KPT/2018. The journal includes various fields of pharmaceuticals sciences such as Pharmacology and Toxicology , Pharmacokinetics, Community and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry. [CC-BY] |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Tafaqquh: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Dan Ahwal Syahsiah | TAFAQQUH: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah dan Ahwal Syahsiah berisi tulisan ilmiah tentang Ekonomi Syariah, pemikiran Islam dan Ahwal Syahsiah. [CC-BY] |
2. | Jurnal Idea Hukum | Focus of JIH is publishing the manuscript of outcome study, and conceptual ideas which specific in the sector of Law science. [CC-BY] |
3. | Fairness and Justice: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum | Artikel yang dimuat merupakan hasil penelitian orisinal dengan topik sebagai berikut : Hukum Pidana, Hukum Perdata, Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Adat, Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, Hukum Lingkungan, Hukum Sumber Daya Alam, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum Acara, Hukum Kepariwisataan, Hukum Kontemporer, Hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum Informasi Teknologi dan Transaksi Elektronik. [CC-BY-SA] |
4. | Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Prima | Ilmu Hukum Prima merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang berisikan gagasan dan pengetahuan hukum yang berasal dari akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi dibidang hukum, atas fenomena hukum yang jamak terjadi di masyarakat. [CC-BY-SA] |
5. | Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Dan Dinamika Masyarakat | The focus and scope of this journal are legal problems in the fields of Criminal Law Civil Law Constitutional Law International Law Administrative Law Islamic Law Business Law Medical Law Environmental Law Adat Law Agrarian Law Legal Philosophy. [CC-BY-SA] |
6. | Wacana Paramarta: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum | Wacana Paramarta: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum published many related current topics subjects on law. [CC-BY-SA] |
7. | Ius Civile: Refleksi Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan | JIC merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang mewadahi dan memfasilitasi seluruh akademisi, paktisi hukum dan pengamat hukum yang ingin berkontribusi terhadap ide, gagasan maupun pemikirannya dalam jurnal ilmiah ini untuk dapat dipublikasikan sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya Ilmu Hukum. [CC-BY] |
8. | Kertha Semaya: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum | Publikasi Jurnal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan ruang mempublikasikan pemikiran kritis hasil penelitian orisinal, gagasan konseptual maupun review article dari akademisi, peneliti, maupun praktisi yang belum pernah dipublikasikan pada media lainnya. [CC-BY-SA] |
9. | Reformasi Hukum | This journal contains the topics which relate generally to Law issues in Indonesia and around the world. [CC-BY] |
10. | Jurnal Hukum Das Sollen | Jurnal Das Sollen menghadirkan Jurnal yang berisi beragam tulisan seputar ilmu hukum terkait persoalan hukum yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat dan menganalisisnya dengan kondisi ideal yang mestinya di atur oleh hukum. [CC-BY-SA] |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Creatic, From Zero to Fantastic | Creatic, Creatic yang merupakan akronim dari creativity takes incredible courage. Creatic dipilih sebagai tema GradeX ke-3 ini ingin memberikan suasana pada era 2000an yang merupakan awal besar dari kemajuan teknologi. Masa ini disebut-sebut membutukan kreativitas dan keberanian untuk menciptakan era baru teknologi. Hal ini tercermin dalam Creatic, bahwa setiap produk yang ditampilkan merupakan bentuk dari kreativitas dan keberanian dalam diri desainer. Dalam buku ini, terdapat karya-karya desain produk mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Telkom University, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang dan Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto yang dibuat sebagai lanjutan dari buku GradeX: 3XPOSE, bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman dengan cara menonjolkan kreativitas dan semangat yang hadir dalam setiap karya yang dipamerkan kepada masyarakat. 22 karya desain produk yang ditampilkan dalam Creatic merupakan bagian dari ekspresi desainer yang dicurahkan menjadi sebuah karya desain produk. Beragam karya desain produk seperti lampu dengan ekplorasi material bambu, safety goggles bagi pengguna yang berkacamata, hingga stroller multifungsi memperlihatkan potensi yang luas dalam proses pengayaan karya desain produk di Indonesia. Bagaimana contoh-contoh implementasi human-centered design, eksplorasi material dan budaya dalam desain produk? Dengan adanya buku diharapkan Desain Produk dapat lebih dikenal dan diapresiasi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. |
2. | Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Transportasi dan Logistik | The Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Transportasi dan Logistik is published by the Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti as a scientific responsibility and the embodiment of the Tri Dharma of higher education. The scope of the article includes : Transportation Management, Multimodal Transportation Management, Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Transport and Tourism Management, Transport and Environment, Digital Service Management (Trans and Log). [CC-BY-NC] |
3. | Target: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis | Ruang lingkup penelitian yang dimuat dalam Target: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis antara lain: Manajemen Pemasaran (Marketing Management), Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan (Financial Banking Management), Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Human Resource Management), Manajemen Operasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen (Operational Management Management Information System), Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship), Manajemen Strategi (Strategic Management). [CC-BY] |
4. | Strategic : Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis | A Journal of business management and entrepreneur in teaching studies, marketing management, human resource management, financial management, operational management and entrepreneurship. The aims of this Journal is to promote a principled a approach to research on management science-related concerns by encouraging inquiry into the relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis as education management marketing management human resource management financial management entrepreneurship management supply chain management. [CC-BY-SA] |
5. | Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019) : Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Kewirausahaan | Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan (E-ISSN: 2598-0289) is a peer-reviewed journal, which provides a forum for publishing scientific articles in management and business field, including genuine research result, novel scientific review, and critics or comments about management nowadays. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan is published by Magister Manajemen Universitas Tarumanagara. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan accepts articles or manuscript in the management and business field from various source, academics and researchers, both national and international. Scientific articles dealing with financial management, strategic management, marketing management and entrepreneurship are particularly welcome. [CC-BY-SA] |
6. | Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Keuangan | Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Keuangan (JMBK) covers, but not limited to : Business, Finance, Marketing, HR, Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Economics. [CC-BY] |
7. | Jurnal Benefita : Ekonomi Pembangunan, Manajemen Bisnis dan Akutansi | Jurnal Benefita focus on economic research, the issues include the development of economics and regional financial development, management and business, accounting, and economic knowledge that focus on management and business, economic development, accounting, state owned enterprise, International Trade, Public Finance, and economic applications. Jurnal Benefita is accessible to academic and university researchers, research institutes, librarians, graduate and postgraduate students to share the result of their researches. Jurnal Benefita is a forum for both academics and practitioners to share scientific knowledge on economic research. [CC-BY] |
8. | Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis | Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (March and September) by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting management research results. Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis invites manuscripts on various topics, including, but not limited to, functional areas of : Marketing Management, Financial Management and Banking, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Strategic Management, Knowledge Management, Business, Innovation, Economy, Entrepreneurship, Syariah Management. [CC-BY-SA] |
9. | Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis | The Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis was founded at Program Study Managemen Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri in 2016. The foundation editor Lilia Pasca Riani was followed by Diah Ayu Septi Fauji The objectives of the Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis are to encourage and publish research in the field of management. The terms management and research are both broadly defined. The former includes the management of strategy of management, financial management, operation management marketing management, HR Management, Financial Technology, Enterpreneur, Economic, Business Ethic, Organization Behaviour. The latter encompasses both discipline- and problem-based research. Consistent with the policy, the Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis publishes research in disciplines provided the application is to management, as well as research in areas such as strategy of management, financial management, operation management marketing management, HR Management, Financial Technology, Enterpreneur, Economic, Business Ethic, Organization Behaviourand other problem-focused paradigms. [CC-BY-SA |
10. | Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis | Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis (JKMB) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published twice a year. The journal is a collaborative effort between the Departement Management Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Padang and the Aliansi Program Studi Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia (APSMBI). It is managed by the Departement Management Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Padang. JKMB provides a means for sustained discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal, which can be examined empirically. The journal publishes research articles covering all aspects of business management especially those within the emerging economies context. The broad range of business management contexts published by the journal includes, but is not limited to, research in marketing, finance and risk management, human resource management and behavior, technology and information system management, operation management, and strategic management. We warmly invite all individuals who possess a keen interest in the focus and scope of JKMB to contribute to our publication. [CC-BY] |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare | Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare is a peer-reviewed open access journal which focuses on all aspects of healthcare and the biomedical sciences, with an emphasis on research of direct clinical relevance. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. View full journal description This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). |
2. | Paracelsus Proceedings of Experimental Medicine | Paracelsus Proceedings of Experimental Medicine is an Open Access journal. All published articles are instantly accessible and available free of charge to readers and their institutions. Articles are also free to download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts provided the terms of the Open Access license are followed. Open Access Licenses Copyright Articles published in Paracelsus Proceedings of Experimental Medicine are usually licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND). Publishing under other Creative Commons licenses is possible upon request. The copyright of the article is retained by the authors. The authors grant Paracelsus Proceedings of Experimental Medicine an exclusive unlimited license to publish the article under a Creative Commons license and identify Cell Physiol Biochem Press GmbH Co KG as the original publisher. Submission of a manuscript for publication implies the authors consent to publication under the applicable Creative Commons license and the terms and conditions of the Publishers Licensing Agreement. |
3. | KeAi - Journals - Health and Medical Sciences | Since it was repurposed as an open access journal publishing service provider in 2013, KeAi has developed a portfolio of more than 160 scholarly journals across all scientific disciplines. These journals have been growing so fast that many titles have already become top journals. For example, Web of Science indexes more than 50 titles, while Scopus indexes more than 110 titles. In particular, four journals, Bioactive Materials, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, Petroleum Exploration and Development and Frontiers of Architectural Research, hold No. 1 rankings in their corresponding Journal Citation Reports disciplines. Two thirds of KeAi journals are partnered with over 90 esteemed research institutions, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, academic societies and the Peking, Tsinghua, Xian Jiaotong, Chongqing, Zhejiang and Tongji universities. KeAi leverages the publishing and technology capabilities parent companies, including ScienceDirect, Editorial Manager, data analytics and production. With its competent, customer-centric and collaborative team in China, the US, Europe and India, KeAi has been forging its core competencies to meet the needs of the research community by providing support in publishing strategy, data analysis, international impact and indexation. |
4. | BMC Proceedings | BMC Proceedings is an online, open access journal publishing proceedings of conferences across all scientific and clinical disciplines, including peer-reviewed full-length articles, collections of abstracts and meeting reports. Devoted specifically to conference publications, including large collections of articles, meetings of specialized interest and conferences of a cross- or multi-disciplinary nature, each collection is published as a supplement. |
5. | Jurnal Kedokteran Diponegoro | Artikel yang mencakup semua aspek ilmu kedokteran dan kesehatan dari mahasiswa, dosen, dan praktisi yang bekerja di bidang kedokteran dan ilmu kesehatan. [CC BY] |
6. | Jurnal Kedokteran: Media Informasi Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan | Media Informasi Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram sebagai media informasi dan komunikasi ilmiah dalam pengembangan Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan. [CC BY] |
7. | Jurnal Kedokteran Mulawarman | Jurnal peer-review dan akses terbuka yang mendorong ilmu biomedis, klinis, kesehatan masyarakat, dan kedokteran komunitas untuk melakukan dan meningkatkan perilaku kesehatan manusia. [CC BY] |
8. | Jurnal Kedokteran | Jurnal Kedokteran yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mataram merupakan jurnal ilmiah untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian terkini di bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan terkait. [CC BY] |
9. | Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan | Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan kesehatan (JIKK) menyediakan platform untuk mempublikasikan artikel bidang Kedokteran dan kesehatan yang meliputi: Ilmu kedokteran komunitas Ilmu kedokteran keluarga Ilmu pendidikan kedokteran Ilmu kedokteran klinis Ilmu kedokteran kerja Ilmu kedokteran olahraga Ilmu kedokteran dasar (biomedik) Ilmu keperawatan dan kebidanan Ilmu kesehatan psikologis Ilmu kesehatan masyarakat Ilmu terapi komplementer [CC BY] |
10. | Magna Medica: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan | Jurnal peer-review tentang ilmu kedokteran APKKM berisi makalah dan artikel ilmiah yang bersifat open acces. [CC BY] |
Lihat lebih banyak koleksi. |
No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | Provitae: Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan | Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan, adalah jurnal yang membahas hasil-hasil penelitian bidang Psikologi Pendidikan. Provitae adalah peer-reviewed journal, bertujuan untuk diseminasi atau menyebarluaskan temuan-temuan ilmiah di bidang Psikologi Pendidikan. Provitae merupakan salah satu jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara. [CC BY] |
2. | Psychopedia Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang | Jurnal ilmiah peer-review di bidang psikologi yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Psikologi UBP Karawang. memuat hasil penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif atau kualitatif yang berusaha memahami proses psikologis individu, kelompok, dan masyarakat proses psikologis individu, kelompok, dan masyarakat, dalam konteks psikologi. [CC BY] |
3. | Psikologi Konseling | Jurnal Psikologi Konseling dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Unimed. Jurnal ini merupakan wadah bagi peneliti, staf pengajar (dosen dan guru pembimbing/konselor) dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan untuk mengembangkan khasanah keilmuan dalam bidang psikologi pendidikan dan konseling serta ilmu-ilmu yang berkaitan. Jurnal Psikologi Konseling terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan Juni dan Desember, serta terbuka bagi siapa saja yang ingin tulisannya dimuat dengan syarat memenuhi kriteria yang telah di buat dan memenuhi pedoman penulisan. [CC BY] |
4. | Pintar Harati: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Psikologi | Pintar Harati : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Psikologi menerima naskah hasil penelitian dalam lingkup bidang kajian ilmu pendidikan, pendidikan anak usia dini, pendidikan dasar, perkembangan anak, serta kajian bidang psikologi yang relevan. [CC BY] |
5. | Psikologia (Jurnal Psikologi) | Jurnal Psikologi adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Meliputi riset psikologi antara lain: psikologi industri dan organisasi klinik Psikologi Psikologi sosial psikologi pendidikan psikologi islam [CC BY] |
6. | Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi | Jurnal peer-review dan akses terbuka yang mencakup penelitian di semua bidang psikologi. memenuhi standar ketelitian metodologis tertinggi. JPPP mengundang naskah di bidang: Psikologi pendidikan Psikologi sosial Psikologi industri dan organisasi Psikologi perkembangan Klinik Psikologi Evaluasi, penilaian dan pengukuran dalam psikologi Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi [CC BY] |
7. | Provitae: Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan | Jurnal yang membahas hasil-hasil penelitian bidang Psikologi Pendidikan. Provitae adalah peer-reviewed journal, bertujuan untuk diseminasi atau menyebarluaskan temuan-temuan ilmiah di bidang Psikologi Pendidikan. Provitae merupakan salah satu jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara. [CC BY] |
8. | Psikoislamika : Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi Islam | Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi Islam adalah jurnal peer-review dan open-access yang menerbitkan penelitian kuantitatif empiris dan/atau penelitian kualitatif tentang psikologi, psikologi Islam, dan bidang lain yang relevan. [CC BY] |
9. | Jurnal Consulenza : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Psikologi | Jurnal Peer-Review yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Jember. penelitian di bidang bimbingan ruang lingkup, konseling pendidikan dan psikologi, serta semua kajian yang memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan ilmu bimbingan dan konseling. [CC BY] |
10. | Psikodidaktika: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling | Jurnal diterbitkan oleh prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Keguruan Universitas Prof.Dr.Hazairin, S.H Bengkulu. bersifat open akses dan peer-reviewed. [CC BY] |
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No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | JMEMME (Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Manufactures, Materials And Energy) | Manufacturing : Manufacturing is a field of engineering that studies the process of making a product starting from the design process, production process, quality control process, metrology, Mechatronics, Industrial automation, and product optimization. Material Engineering: discusses the strength of materials, the process of forming a material, material processing, Material Innovation, ferrous and non-ferrous materials, Non-Metal Materials, Nano Technology, Destructive Test and NDT, Structural analysis such as mechanical vibration and kinematics, and Analysis of Damage Patterns . Energy Conversion: is discussing energy and its changes from one form to another, energy transfer in the form of heat and the temperature distribution that occurs, systems or mechanics that work based on the basic principles of thermodynamics used to produce work in the form of motion, fluid analysis in a static state (stationary) and dynamic (moving), the flow of gases around solid objects, and the flow of liquids around solid objects. [CC-BY] |
2. | IME (Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) | JIME (Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) is a journal of scientific work in the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Medan Area University which presents research results in the fields of : Manufacturing System Industrial Management Ergonomics The accepted journal is expected to be related to increasing productivity and current issues. [CC-BY] |
3. | JTRM (Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Manufaktur) | JTRM (Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Manufaktur) adalah jurnal yang difokuskan pada kajian, alih teknologi, difusi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, rekayasa teknologi dan kebijakan pada bidang manufaktur. Frekuensi penerbitan artikel JTRM dalam setahun sebanyak dua nomor, pada bulan April dan bulan Oktober yang diterbitkan oleh Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung (Polman Bandung). [CC-BY] |
4. | Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi | RMME covers materials engineering, energy manufacturing, machinery, electronic instrumentation, automation, control, embedded systems, mechatronics, robotics, electric power, technology, energy storage systems, transmission, energy distribution, new renewable energy, and other related topics. [CC-BY] |
5. | URNAL PERMADI: PERANCANGAN, MANUFAKTUR, MATERIAL DAN ENERGI | Jurnal Perancangan, Manufaktur dan Energi ini diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Nusa Putra, sebagai jurnal yang terbit setiap empat bulanan yang fokus menyajikan tulisan-tulisan tentang keilmuan Teknik Mesin khusunya bidang Perancangan, Manufaktur dan Energi. Jurnal ini berisi artikel-artikel penelitian atau pengembangan konsep yang berkaitan dengan kajian perancangan, manufaktur dan energi seperti : Desain Mekanikal, Manufaktur dan Otomatisasi, Material dan Konversi Energi. [CC-BY] |
6. | Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur | Focus Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur is a journal that contains about manufacturing that invites researchers from academics and practitioners from industry to join together and discuss scientific development and the application of manufacturing technology and other related aspects. Scope The scope of Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur is in the fields of manufacturing, automatic machinery, robotics and electronics, but not limited to this and can cover fields: Electronics: generation and optimization of the use of renewable sources of energy, application of image processing, speech recognition, artificial intelligence, motion control, robotics, automation machines, power electronics, power distribution and control, digital technology and devices, microcontroller and microcomputers, sensors and transducers , etc. Information and Communication Technology (ICT): the application of ICT technology in machinery and manufacturing processes, data communication, monitoring systems, data mining, data processing, data base applications, etc. Machinery and manufacturing: optimization of manufacturing products, optimization of machinery processes, product design, materials, jigs fixture, molding, etc. [CC-BY] |
7. | ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin dan Manufaktur | Artikel Teknik Mesin dan Manufaktur are Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing which includes the field of study (peer) material, production and manufacturing, construction, and energy conversion. [CC-BY] |
8. | Jurnal Engine: Energi, Manufaktur, dan Material | Energy: Energy Conversion, Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy, Energy Technology, Energy Management, Energy Review, Biogas, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Nuclear Energy, Energy Potentials, Waste to Energy. Manufacturing: Manufacturing Techniques, Welding, Casting, Modelling and Optimization Design, Manufacturing Processes, Automation. Material: Material Science, Ceramic, Composite, Polymer, Micro and Nano Engineering, Powder Metallurgy, Natural Resources. Mechanical: Applied Mechanics, Automotive, Tribology, Biomechanics, Dynamic and Vibration, Mechanical System Design, Mechatronics. Software Simulation: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Method (FEM). [CC-BY] |
9. | Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur | This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and case studies, including: energy analysis manufacturing proces mechanical design [CC-BY] |
10. | JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) | JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) focuses on the research and research review in the field of engineering material and manufacturing processes. The journal covers various themes namely: Engineering Designs Process Optimization Process Problem Solving Manufacturing Processes Automation Processes Advanced Materials Solid and Fluid Mechanics Energy Harvesting Renewable Energy [CC-BY] |
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No. | Sumber | keterangan |
1. | JFTA is a scientific journal | JFTA is a scientific journal that providing a forum for researchers to publish their original articles and research manuscripts related to food technology, agricultural technology and agricultural industry. JFTA, published by Faculty of Agricultural, Wiraraja University, Indonesia. JFTA publishes articles related to research result containing major advance and original research findings, review articles that describe significant new interdisiplinary developments by taking into account unsolves problems and future directions. JFTA also publishes articles related to food technology and agricultural industry covering new and important policies with broad significance, both nationally and internationally. [CC-BY] |
2. | Journal FAME: Journal Food and Beverage, Product and Services, Accomodation Industry, Entertainment Services | FAME: Jurnal Prodi Perhotelan Akademi Pariwisata Bunda Mulia adalah jurnal akademik yang dipublikasikan dua kali dalam setahun pada periode Juni dan Desember oleh Program Studi Perhotelan, Akademi Pariwisata Bunda Mulia. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan berbagai macam konsep, teori,perspektif, paradigma dan metodologi dalam implementasi di Industri Hospitality. Focus dari FAME : Jurnal Prodi Perhotelan ini fokus pada penelitian di bidang 1) Food and Beverage Service 2) Food and Beverage Production, 3) Jasa Akomodasi 4) Entertainment Service [CC-BY] |
3. | Ar Rehla: Journal of Islamic Tourism, Halal Food, Islamic Traveling, and Creative Economy | Ar Rehla: Journal of Islamic Tourism, Halal Food, Islamic Traveling, and Creative Economy is a scientific journal that publishes papers from lecturers, researchers, students, practitioners, or other related parties. Ar Rehla publishes articles related to tourism, creative economy and community empowerment that are appropriate and do not violate Islamic Sharia. Topics such as sharia tourism, halal culinary studies, hajj, umra, and sharia economic studies are priority themes published in this journal. [CC-BY] |
4. | Indonesian Food Science and Technology Journal (IFSTJ) | Indonesian Food Science Technology Journal (IFST) is open access peer-reviewed journal publishing critical reviews and original research papers dealing with the advancement research in the field of Food Science and Technology (food chemistry, food processing and engineering, food microbiology, food safety, food engineering, food nutrition, functional food and nutraceuticals, food novelty and innovations), with a particular emphasis on the Indonesian context and global perspective. FOCUS: The research is focusing on the most promising new research developments and their current and potential food industry applications in a readable, scientifically rigorous way. SCOPE: The journal contains original research results and scientific review includes research dealing with the advancement research in the field of Food Science and Technology (food chemistry, food processing and engineering, food microbiology, food safety, food engineering, food nutrition, functional food and nutraceuticals, food novelty and innovations). [CC-BY] |
5. | Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) | Pasundan Food Technology Journal merupakan jurnal peer-reviewed dan open access journal yang berfokus pada bidang Ilmu Teknologi Pangan. Fokus ini meliputi ruang lingkup yang terkait pada aspek : Teknologi Proses Biokimia dan Gizi Keteknikan Kimia dan Analisis Pangan Pasundan Food Technology Journal diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November. Mulai Volume 1 dalam satu volume ada tiga nomor. |
6. | Journal of Food Science and Technology (Foodscitech) | The Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) is a peer-reviewed journal that began to be published in 2018, and is published every semester in July and December. This is a series of scientific publications in the field of food technology. This journal provides a variety of stimulating and informative papers directed at theory and practice in the following fields: food science nutrition food chemistry biochemistry microbiology food techniques food security food quality food censorship functional food health food and other fields related to food [CC-BY] [CC-BY] |
7. | Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ournal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences offers scientists, researchers, and other professionals to share knowledge of scientific advancements. The journal will publish original research articles, review articles, short communication, and letter to editor. The area of focus should cover all aspects of food and pharmaceutical sciences. The range of topics covered in the journal includes: Food Aspects: New Horizons in Food Research Food Chemistry Integrated Food Science Health, Nutrition, and Food Food Engineering, Materials Science, and Nanotechnology Toxicology and Chemical Food Safety Food Microbiology and Safety Pharmaceutical Aspects: Drug Discovery Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Protein-Peptide Chemistry Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Drug Delivery, and Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Transport Metabolism Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry Natural Medicine and Nutraceutical Chemical Processing of Pharmaceuticals including Crystallization, Lyophilization, and Chemical Stability of Drugs Immunology, Biochemistry, and Cell and Molecular Biology [CC-BY] |
8. | Journal of Food and Culinary | URNAL OF FOOD AND CULINARY explores food service industry and management, such as - food and apparel entrepreneurship - strategic management in culinary - operational management in culinary - small and medium entreprise in culinary - marketing management in culinary) - food processing industry and innovation - food and nutritional science - food nutrition and evaluation - food safety and hygiene - food processing, preservations, and packaging - halal product and management in culinary [CC-BY] |
9. | Journal of Food Systems and Agribusiness (JoFSA) | ournal of Food Systems and Agribusiness (JoFSA) is published by Agribusiness Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Journal of food system and agribusiness (JoFSA) contains original articles of research, discovery, and ideas of various fields of science, especially in the field related to the agribusiness from researchers, lecturers, students, and related parties. The scope of Journal of food system and agribusiness are: agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (farming), distribution, processing, seed supply, marketing and retail sales [CC-BY] |
10. | Muhammadiyah Journal of Nutrition and Food Science (MJNF) | uhammadiyah Journal of Nutrition and Food Science (MJNF) publishes articles in the field of nutrition and food science which includes clinical nutrition, community nutrition, institutional nutrition, functional foods, food science, and food technology. MJNF accepts several types of articles, such as research articles (original articles), literature reviews and case reports. [CC-BY] |
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